When riding an electric scooter, anything can happen. It comes with risks. Just like any other vehicle, electric scooters can get into accidents. An error from the rider, other road users and faults in the electric scooters can all lead to an accident. When riding electric scooters, riders need to take safety into concern. In our blog post, we talked about how to secure your scooter. These safety features must be used the right way. Using them properly is one of the best ways to stay safe on electric scooters.
In this article, riders would learn how to stay safe on electric scooters. By following safety rules and using the safety features on the electric scooters. There are also other tips that would be explored here.
Safety on E-Scooters
When riding an electric scooter, safety should be a priority. The LEXGO electric scooters are made with some safety features. Learning how to use these features is a big step in safety. Safety on electric scooters is not just about the features. Riders must have learnt how to ride a scooter very well. They must also understand road and traffic rules. These rules and regulations are in place for safety purposes. Understanding these rules and abiding to them is also another way to stay safe
Safety on electric scooters also involves other road users. Riders being careful and watching other people on the road helps with safety. Safety on the road is gotten when everyone contributes. Also, take good care of your electric scooter. This prevents unwanted damages that might lead to accidents that can harm the rider. The rest of this article explains how safety on electric scooters can be achieved.

Understanding the Risks
Riding an electric scooter can be comfortable and cheap. But riding them also comes with risks just like any other vehicle. Firstly, riders have to understand the risk of driving on a road. A rider needs to understand that riding can be dangerous. Things you don’t expect can happen when riding on the road. Other road users can make mistakes. Unexpected damages can happen to vehicles. The state of the road can affect a vehicle. All these things can lead to an accident. Riders of electric scooters need to understand that these risks can happen when riding. They also need to know how these risks happening can affect them. Then also how to react to these things when they happen.
Overview: Highlighting the risks associated with e-scooter accidents
In electric scooter accidents, many risks can happen. Some of the risks are accidents which can be caused by various reasons. High speed, bad roads, other road users, including people walking. A rider being aware of all these risks when riding a scooter is important.
Statistics: Providing statistics on accidents and injuries related to e-scooters
In the past years, there have been accidents related to electric scooters. In developed areas, these accidents happen more. In 2021, there were more than 50,000 visits to the emergency room in the United States. These visits were related to electric scooter accidents. A large number of them also had injuries to the head. A statistic like this is a problem. This shows why safety should be very important to riders of electric scooters.

Safety Measures
When riding an electric scooter, there are safety measures that can be taken. Riders taking these measures protect them from accidents on the road. Asides from safety features made with the electric scooter. Some steps must be taken personally by the rider. These steps help secure both the electric scooter and the rider. Some of these safety measures are:
Proper Gear: Emphasizing the importance of helmets and protective gear
When riding an electric scooter, riders need certain gears. These gears or tools are made for protection. An example is LEXGO Smart Helmet. This helmet makes use of technology to connect the electric scooter to a phone. It comes with many safety features to boost protection. Some are lights, batteries, microphones and so much more. Helmets are not the only gears for protection. There are others like gloves, elbow pads and knee pads. Helmets help riders to avoid head injuries. Gloves protect the palms. The elbows and knees are protected from injury by the pads. Using proper protective gears like these can help prevent accidents. It can also make safety better and riding experience easier.
Traffic Awareness: Tips on staying alert and aware of surroundings.
Another safety measure is traffic awareness. Riders must always pay attention to other road users. They must also be aware of other vehicles and people walking on the road. Paying attention to things like this can help prevent accidents. Some accidents happen because a driver is distracted. Being aware can prevent these kinds of accidents.
Avoid being distracted while riding. Use a rear-view mirror so you can monitor road users behind you. An alert rider can react to situations faster. Being on your toes and paying attention to your surroundings would help. This act can prevent avoidable accidents.
Speed Control: Managing speed to enhance safety.
A safety measure that seems to cause a lot of accidents is speed. Speed needs to be controlled properly when riding. Electric scooters like the LEXGO Collections are made with speed controllers. Making good use of this feature is very helpful for safety. Riders should always keep to the average speed allowed on a road. Managing speed properly can help a rider react to situations faster.
A rider driving at an uncontrollable speed, will not be able to avoid obstacles. Their reaction time would be slow when something happens. When this happens, an accident is going to occur. Riding at an average speed is advised. A range of 15 km/h to 20 km/h is fine. Riding at a high speed can lead to accidents. A rider should adjust their speed based on the present conditions. Road traffic, state of the road and other road users can affect your choice of speed. Riders should also slow down in rough areas.

Navigating Urban Terrain
Electric scooters are mostly used in urban communities. These areas are always filled with people. The roads contain a lot of other vehicles. Riding through these areas can be a problem sometimes. There are safety measures that can help riders in urban areas. Some of them are:
Road Rules: Understanding and adhering to traffic laws.
The first safety measure for riding in urban areas is understanding and obeying traffic laws. Urban areas have their own traffic laws. Riders in areas like these need to understand the laws. They also need to obey these laws for safety reasons. These laws are put in place to make the road safe for everyone. Therefore, abiding by them is the right thing to do.
Avoiding Hazards: Tips for navigating potholes, pedestrians, and obstacles.
When riding an electric scooter, you should also avoid hazards. Roads can be filled with potholes. People can be walking across the streets. There can also be other kinds of obstacles on the road. Electric scooter riders should be able to avoid these obstacles. Swerving and turning at the right time is an important skill.

Maintaining the E-Scooter
For a rider and scooter to be safe, the electric scooter has to be in a good state. Taking good care of your electric scooter is also a safety measure. An electric scooter is less likely to malfunction when taken care of properly. Taking proper care of your scooter can prevent damage. This in turn prevents accidents that are caused by faulty vehicles.
Regular Checks: Importance of checking brakes, tires, and battery before riding.
Maintaining the electric scooter involves different activities. One of them is regular checks. Riders and owners of electric scooters should check them regularly. When a scooter is checked regularly, it can help notice damage early. Noticing these damages early can prevent accidents. The regular checks should involve the brakes, tires and battery.
Checking the brakes to make sure they work fine. Bad brakes can lead to accidents when the scooter cannot stop moving. This kind of accident can lead to a head injury.
Checking the tires also helps as they can get worn out. They can be loose and removed while riding. So, checking them is important to prevent accidents. Their pressure should also be checked.
The scooter’s battery has to be checked too. Adequate battery power is important. Regular checks can improve safety when riding.
Proper Parking: Guidelines for safe and legal parking.
When you want to park your scooter in a public place, park properly. There are rules for parking in different places. Riders should find out these rules and follow them. Parking wrongly can lead to accidents. It can confuse other road users too. Proper parking techniques can prevent accidents that involve multiple vehicles.
You should try to park in areas created for scooters. This will help not to block other road users. Wrong parking can make small accidents bigger. The right parking also keeps everyone on the road informed. In all, riders should make proper parking important.

Emergency Preparedness
Electric scooter users should always be prepared for emergencies. Various things can happen on the road by surprise. These cases can be called emergencies. In cases like this, riders should be able to react properly. There are two things that can help in emergencies. Knowing who to contact and having first aid knowledge.
Knowing Emergency Numbers: Listing local emergency contacts.
Knowing the right people to contact in emergencies is important. Reaching out to the wrong people can lead to time wasting. Reaching out to no one at all is bad. Emergencies can get worse when delayed. And lives can be saved faster when the right people are contacted.
Riders should know the emergency contact numbers. They should be safe in case of an emergency. Emergency contacts can include the police and medical services. This will help with faster reaction. And can make accidents less dangerous.
First Aid Knowledge: Basic first aid tips for minor injuries.
In cases that involve small injuries. You should be able to give first aid treatment to injuries. Being able to do this can reduce the harm done. It can make it easier for the medical services to do their jobs. Riders should make themselves familiar with first aid. Using the right tools. Also, knowing what to use and when to use it.
You can also move around with a small first aid box. Knowing how to apply first aid can reduce the damage done during an accident.

In conclusion, electric scooter riders should make safety very important. They should apply safety measures like using the right gears. Being aware of their environments and following traffic rules. Taking care of scooters and preparing for emergencies.
Safety should be the first thing on the mind of riders. Stick to the rules, protect yourself. Protect your scooters and protect other road users.